dinsdag 29 januari 2013

Reviews of: Gordon D. Fee, Paul’s Letter to the Philippians (NICNT), Eerdmans, 1995

Gordon D. Fee, Paul’s Letter to the Philippians (NICNT), Eerdmans, 1995

Korte reviews in: The Expository Times 107 en 119
Door: Tod Still in 2008
Gevonden op: http://ext.sagepub.com/content/119/9/422.full.pdf+html
Door: de Editor in 1996
Gevonden op: http://ext.sagepub.com/content/107/6/180.1.full.pdf+html

Tod Still in 2008:
In my view, the other ‘must have’ commentary for serious students of the letter is that of G. D. Fee. Fee’s 1995 work, published by Eerdmans in The New International Commentary on the New Testament series, is similar in scope and detail to O’Brien (497 pages). Page after page and passage after passage, Fee offers clear and oftentimes compelling commentary on a letter and a letter-writer that he clearly admires. His technically skilled and spiritually sensitive interpretation of Philippians leaves all who labour over the letter with his aid in his debt.

De Editor in 1996:
Fee, who also contributed the volume on 1 Corinthians, takes NIV as his text (occasionally modified to avoid ’gender-specific language’, and sometimes questioned in the exegesis), but provides detailed textual and grammatical notes on the Greek, so that his commentary will be valuable for students of the original as well as the ’parish minister and teacher of Scripture’ for whom he primarily writes. He describes the work as a  hortatory letter of friendship’, and holds that Philippians was written by Paul from Rome in the early 60s to his ’friends and compatriots’ in Philippi, and is a unity. On the crux 2:6-11 he says that whether it is a ’hymn’ which had a pre-Pauline existence is  impossible to determine, but even if it had, by including it Paul has made it his own. He accepts it as an integral part of the letter, takes ’this’ (v. 5) as referring to vv. 2-4 (’This mindset (i.e., that which I have just described) have among yourselves which [was] also in Christ Jesus’), and argues that the passage refers to Christ’s pre-existence (’As God he emptied himself). This is a good, solid, conservative commentary, which takes full account of the work of other scholars, as the lengthy footnotes show.

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